Neurodyn III

AED 920.00
Neurodyn III is a transcutaneous neuromuscular stimulator intended for physical rehabilitation treatments. It is composed of low-frequency alternating currents, such as TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation)


AED 6,200.00
Neurodyn is a transcutaneous neuromuscular stimulator intended for physical rehabilitation treatments that offers the therapist the possibility of different performances in clinical practice since it has four output channels with independent controls for the use of therapies


Thork has an electromagnetic energy generator and a radial applicator that allows its use safely and effictively in both aesthetic therapy and rehabilation.

Neurodyn Aussie Sport

AED 3,380.00
It is an equipment for the exclusive application of Aussie current (also known as Australian current) a new generation of electrostimulation current with advantages over the traditional stimulation methods. Aussie current presents two possibilities of frequency: 1KHz and 4KHz, which allows the selection according to the therapeutic mode: 1KHz for motor stimulation (muscle strengthening and tonification) and 4KHz for sensory stimulation (drainage and analgesia). The current presents short duration burst (2ms in the current of 1KHz and 4ms in the current of 4KHz), with frequency ranging from 1 to 120Hz and intensity from 1 to 180mA.